Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Dave Nellist Launches TUSC Campaign For Staffordshire

“On Monday the 14th January, despite freezing conditions and snow-covered roads seventeen people attended a meeting in Newcastle-Under-Lyme to hear Dave Nellist give a talk about the importance of TUSC in this May’s forthcoming elections, and to appeal to those in attendance to consider standing as a candidate in their area.
Dave Nellist at TUSC meet Newcastle 16 Jan 2013
Dave Nellist speaking at the TUSC meeting in Newcastle
Dave started by outlining the disillusionment of voters and the fact that there is not a “cigarette paper” between the policies of the 3 main parties. He discussed the role that TUSC has to play in opposing these policies, and drew on several examples in history where the labour movement was successful in driving back the austerity measures of the day. And in case anyone in the room was under the illusion that Labour would provide a remedy to these cuts, Dave informed us about the appalling record that Labour had in expelling any of their councillors who dared to vote against cuts!
In the discussion afterwards Dave addressed comments regarding economic growth and debt, stating that ‘debt’ is meaningless; as an MP he witnessed Thatcherite ministers wipe debts from the public service to make them appear more profitable to private companies, and that we could solve the national debt in one fell swoop by taxing the mega rich and giving control of the state back to ordinary working-class people.
TUSC banner pic
This year we already plan to stand across the whole of Staffordshire where we can, including Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stafford, Burton and Leek. We see this as a positive step in the growth of TUSC, and in our contact with working-class people who more and more are identifying with socialist ideas.
At the end of the meeting at least another 3 people are seriously considering standing as TUSC candidates in May. This is a vast improvement from last year, when we had just 2 candidates standing across the borough of Newcastle-Under-Lyme.”

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Public Meeting to Launch TUSC Staffordshire Election Campaign

Local Elections May 2013 

TUSC standing candidates to
Fight Against Cuts!


Dave Nellist - a real Socialist MP who took only the average workers wage and others from NUT, Unison, CWU.

Mon 14 January 2013 – 7.30pm

Holy Trinity Community Centre, London Rd (A34)

Newcastle, Staffs ST5 1LQ

All Welcome * * * * *

Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition Staffordshire

Staffordshire TUSC supporters are building a team of candidates to stand in the May 2013 local elections. Already, potential candidates – including locally based trade union activists, socialists, community campaigners – have come forward in Newcastle, Leek, Stafford and Burton-on-Trent.

The TUSC Public Meeting in Newcastle on 14 January 2013 will launch our campaign and we invite you to come along to volunteer as a potential candidate, support the campaign or just to find our more about TUSC. 

Dave Nellist is our main speaker. Dave has a proud record previously as a real socialist Labour MP and later Coventry Socialist Party councillor. For 9 years as an MP Dave refused to accept all his Parliamentary salary and instead lived on the average wage of working class people in Coventry.

Along with other Socialists, Dave was expelled from the Labour Party as it lurched further to the right to become a party fundamentally no different to the Tories. Dave is now a national coordinator of TUSC.